Dr. Richard O'Connor
(860) 364-9300

Develop Will Power like a Muscle

September 23, 2012

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5 comments on “Develop Will Power like a Muscle”

    1. Same advice I have for everyone: find a therapist who's been trained in "Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy" for depression. It's the most reliable approach. Find a psychiatrist who's experienced in treating depression and will work with your therapist.

  1. I really admire Dr. O'Connor and his books. They have been very helpful to me. I would be happy if this site were more developed. It seems as if someone has made a start. Please continue!


  2. im interested in learning about will power/depression/stress. Over the past few years I had lost about 80 lbs by diet and exercise and felt good all the time. However, recently I've list control. I struggle w will power and hurt too bad to exercise. I do not know what shift occurred to change but now I can't seem to gain the control w/o medical help but that seems to cause more medical isdues. Any advice?

    1. Keeping weight off is a tough thing to do. I wish I knew the secret. But it helps to have support. Weight Watchers really does help, and Curves can be a source of support. So can working with a dietitian. If your MD will refer you, your insurance should pay something for the dietitian.
      Look at my latest book, "Rewire: Change Your Brain to Break Bad Habits, Overcome Addictions, and Conquer Self-Destructive Behavior," for a more extended discussion of techniques for building will power. Remember that every day of eating right is building good habits in your brain. Even if you fall off your regimen, that doesn't erase the healthy eating habits you've practiced.

Undoing Depression

Dr. Richard O'Connor maintains an office in Sharon, Connecticut. Call 860-364-9300 or email rchrdoconnor@gmail.com to arrange an initial consultation.